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On a journey to do more than survive but rather to enjoy living and to share ideas on how to make life fun.

Monday, April 16, 2012

New Baby, New Beginnings

I was in the shower earlier and I wondered at what point, if ever, my body would go back to normal. Baby Max is now 24 days old and I am still wearing my maternity pants because my c-section incision still has stitches and I still look like I'm about 5 months pregnant because the muscles which have now all been cut on both ends of my uterus taunt me with their inability to lift me out of a chair, much less accomplish a set of crunches (one of the many things about having a baby no one really cares to share....funny).

So, then I started to wonder, at what point in life did a size 2 become the norm? Why do I feel insanely guilty because 24 freaking days after having my abdomen cut open and an actual human being removed, I am not back down to a "normal" size? It is ridiculous.

In response to all of this foolish thought, I wondered if other moms out there have struggled after the birth of a child, not just with body issues, but with the guilt of going back to work, how to juggle multiple children without making one feel slighted, cooking dinner vs. takeout, etc. I am going to get back into blogging and I am going to be brutally honest with my own journey through these changes. I am also going to use this medium to post recipes, craft ideas, household tips, kid stuff, all the things we moms want to talk about and sometimes we just don't.

You can also follow my facebook page "Make, Spend, and Save" @ www.facebook.com/MakeSpendAndSave.com

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