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On a journey to do more than survive but rather to enjoy living and to share ideas on how to make life fun.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Crazy Cat Killer

Everyone who knows me knows I have never been what you would call a "cat person". I prefer dogs, but I really am not an animal lover at all. (Usually when I say that, people judge me as being a heartless, Godless being who needs to be destroyed). It is not that I want to inflict harm on any animal, I just prefer that someone else be responsible for them. Now, having said that, the desire to inflict harm on an animal has never been an issue.....until today.

Our neighbors have a cat who was a stray and has now become a neighborhood pet of sorts. Carter and Pat love this cat. They have named him Garfield. They play with him and feed him. I don't kick him. Because of Carter and Pat's affinity for this one feline, we now have another ugly, stupid, and downright vicious cat who has started crawling around our house. ( I imagine at night that he shows his true colors as some type of demonic creature sent from the underworld.)

Now, before I go into this story, you must remember that the baby is now four weeks old and I am fully sleep deprived. That is part of my defense. Anyway, I have been working on cleaning the house all week and because today is trash day, I got all of the trash together yesterday and took it out. When I walked out the back door, carrying the baby in one arm and two bags of trash in the other, what did I find? Crazy demonic cat coming away from the trash can and trash strewn all over the yard!!!!!

I don't really know how to explain what happened next. It was as if something snapped and I became Loraina Bobbit or something. I stopped, dropped the trash, walked back into the house and laid the baby down and walked, no really more like ran, back outside. I wanted to throw something at that stupid cat but there was nothing I dared throw out of fear that Pat would kill me if I broke our new gas grill or his plants growing on the back deck. So, I resorted to the only thing I could find. I took off one of my shoes and began chasing this cat through the back yard toward the woods.

I didn't realize how hard it is to run, post-partum in one show down a slight hill chasing a demonic cat. However, just as I felt I had him cornered into the woods, he turned on me! I instantly felt fear that this cat was going to overcome me and eat out my eyeballs or something so I screamed and began running back up the hill toward the house, carrying my one shoe. Just as I reached the deck, I turned and looked and there sat Garfield....on the steps....licking his tiny little paw as if he were watching a show at the theater or something. I started yelling "Garfield move, move now!" He just sat there, indignant, as if he owned those steps. There I was, stuck between two cats, praying for my life when I remembered, "My shoe!" I rared back and threw the cat at Garfield to get him to move from the steps so I could get in the house. He took off, clearing my entrance to safety. I opened the door and ran inside, locking both cats outside. Today, I feel like a total survivor. :)

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