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On a journey to do more than survive but rather to enjoy living and to share ideas on how to make life fun.

Monday, November 28, 2011

The "B" Word

The word budget usually condures up images of suffering and misery. I, however, am determined to try to dispell the myth that living on a budget is horrible. I currently have found myself in a sitatuion where I am in desperate need of finding ways to save money, especially considering I have a 6 year old and one on the way and I have just been laid off from my job! With all that being said, life goes on. Christmas and Birthdays still come and dinners still have to be served.

So, follow me as we learn together how to prepare inexpensive, yet yummy meals; find ways to entertain children without breaking the bank; shop on a limited income, etc. Hopefully this will not only save me money, but you as well!!!!


  1. Been there done that... I remember when things were soooo tight I relied on children clothes swapping with friends. It was a relief buster!! Lisa I love your idea. May God bless it and carry you to a much less stressful place.

  2. Thank you! I have always tried to save money whenever possible and after talking to friends, I am well aware that in today's economy, nobody really has a lot of extra money laying around. I thought this would be a great way for people everywhere to share ideas and maybe feel inspired.
